Monday, April 29, 2024


 This post is all about, me, my man and The Stampeders we went to listen to on Saturday night..

Have you  had an epic weekend that you did not want to ever end? If so, you will be able to relate to the one I just did, and have the T-Shirt and photos to prove it..

My man,  my lover,  my hubby, came to pick me up Saturday afternoon around  1:00 pm. for an entire day and night of fine dining, great music from The Stampeders and both pre and post Coiltal sex after the show in a hotel not far down the road..

I was off-line earlier with a long-time AFF reader whom I became friends with over three years ago.

We both stated at our age and stage  in life being 60 and beyond, having just one special person to share it all with, there is no comparison.. A post for another day, as  most of my fellow Bloggers and Exiles on this site and AFF, are either Swingers, Polyamorous, or have multiple lovers at the same time..

I myself am an Exclusive Woman when it comes to Dating and Sex, and so very blessed my man is also. One I have a history with since we were, 16 and are the exact same age, born on the same day.....

Fast forward to dropping our luggage off at the hotel, going out for dinner at One-Eyed Jack's  and after listening to The Stampeders Live..

We had such a wonderful, epic musical journey together during the first half, when Kim Berly and Rich Dodson played "Devil You"," Carry Me" and " Minstrel Gypsy" without " Ronnie King". It just brought us both back to our own  "Been There, Done That" days of yesteryear..

During Intermission, I had to go to the "Ladies Washroom" Any woman here knows just how much longer our bathroom breaks and lines are compared to men's..

While waiting in that line, I met up with a female friend I have known forever in my town and we started talking.

In the meantime, my man/hubby waited in his own line, buying us matching T-Shirts for a surprise, and got back in our adjoining seats long before I did,,

I have so many more photos, videos and memories of this past weekend  buying our matching Stampeders T-Shirts, asking me why it took me so much longer during Intermission, had me kind of pissed.. A post for another day,,

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 Seems the site has a glitch for me this morning with failing to publish comments on only certain blogs like Deb's, yet I can comment on BowAndArrow Man's blog. If it is doing the same for you, please let me know..

Seems like the glitch is now fixed..

Monday, April 22, 2024



( The Moffatts and this song remind me of my daughter when she was young. They were Canada's answer to America's Hanson back in the  90's.)

Due to off-line messages earlier from AFF followers, a convo. about ever going back to AFF under a different profile, and  a question from JN once asking if I had any messages to relay, became my inspiration..

My 9 year Blogversary on that site would have been approx. April 15th. One of my very first readers was a "pacnwlover42" who continued daily until I was Banned, reading, commenting, like I did his and sharing photos with one another on that site. He nicknamed me "Diamond Girl" and on his blog would either write my name in the snow or on a beach there in Washington State. The Pacific Northwest, and the only man who has ever written my name in either the snow or sand in my entire life..

Even though we were long time blogging buddies and friends, we did not exchange email addresses off-line when we were actually allowed to on that site..

There are a few others, I want to mention here some of you are reading on blogspot and AFF, I want to "Get A Message" to from this AFF "Castaway"  and "Get Closer" to off-line also..

Ones like FreeAgain842, "mythosier" from Scotland, "easyrider" from the Uk, "Prof1001" "Leegs" and so many others. Eviloutlaw's I do have and many more of my fellow every day bloggers from that site.

There are just too many from AFF. whom after 9 years, of blogging and bantering with them daily, first in old Blog Land and after in the "New Community" that this "Exiled Author" from Canada could not message privately...

For those I have mentioned here above like pacnwlover42 and ones you read, follow, comment on when still blogging on AFF, please Tag them on yours and message them somehow that " Life's Been Good"  for this author in exile and that I "Miss" them..

Friday, April 19, 2024



During my tenure on AFF blogging especially, one would find me on Live Chat daily with Customer Service. Most of you know all about posts being denied or taking hours to get approved and go Live.

By the sounds of it, that has not changed at all. Being a veteran knowing how it all worked, if my morning erotica had not been approved within the hour after I posted it, I would hit that Live Chat button for the first responder Tier One IT Techs and give them my username and password. Immediately under that in the box, I would ask to be transferred to Tech Support, bypassing Tier One..

It became a daily habit and Tier One, when I messaged would just immediately transfer me over.

If one is lucky when talking to Tier 2 Tech Support at the same time every day, you would chat with Umut most early mornings. I know most of you reading this has at one time or another dealt with Umut.

In my case when it became every single morning at 4 a.m. my time, a rapport starts to happen beyond the Customer Service aspects of it. I ended up strictly asking for Umut, if either Yagiz or Meghan answered. Although Yagiz and Meghan were also helpful and courteous when trying to get down to the bottom of finding out either why my post was not Live,  denied, or whatever glitch I had bitched about, they were not Umut..

Umut put the "service" in Customer Service on AFF. Every morning when in Live chat with Umut, his first words were always " Good Morning Joy." I was not only author51, nor just a member, but was a person instead..

His response after my initial request of approving and opening my morning erotica was usually,"No worries. I will have you fixed up in no time." Within less then 3 minutes, it would go Live..

I remember a post in November I did titled " If You Want To Change The World, Love A Man" written by Lisa Citore, for International Men's Day. That post had been denied by Tier One and I was fuming.

I got onto Live Chat and after requesting to be transferred to Tech Support, Umut was on. After he reviewed it, he came back to me and stated " I have no idea why it was denied as it is a beautiful tribute to men."

I would have posted On March 8th for International Women's Day with another poem Lisa Citore titled "If You Want To Change The World, Love A Woman" yet was exiled the day before on March 7th..

Fast forward to now April 19th. When my friend JN was reinstated and she asked if any of us exiles had any messages for others, I asked her if she talks to Umut, to tell him I said Hi.

She did and Umut came back with a response that made my day which went like this:

Hi Joy, .

I told Umut that you said "hi" and decided to not return to the site and that you appreciated all his help over the years. 

He sent me this:


 I'm truly sorry to hear that she's not returning to the site. She has always been a great contributor to the Community and everyone will surely miss her.

 I was reading a passage recently where a character was saying "Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again." and I could not agree more. I've always enjoyed helping her out and I'm grateful for the opportunity to support her over the years. I wish her best of luck in her future endeavors. If she changes her mind, I promise I'll keep the poutine warm for her return. 


AFF needs more staff like him. 

Knowing Umut took both the time to respond, along with his comment about keeping the poutine warm if I returned, just reiterates how much he always went above and beyond the call on AFF, Tier 2 Tech Support and cared about us humans behind the keyboard..

Both AFF and the world needs more Umuts period. So much so, that I ended up sending AFF Blog Escalation, a private message to Ali, and making sure it was forwarded to Jon ( which it was) about what a Gem Umut is and they are lucky to have him as an employee. He exemplifies what Customer Service truly is on that site.. This is it..

Hi Ali. Old author51 here (Joy). I know I am not being reinstated and that is fine as I would not be returning to the site anyway.
I did want to give a shout out and huge Thank You to Umut from Tech Support. Umut helped me for years to get either my old blog posts approved and Live or answer questions for me when others posts had been denied by Tier One reviewers.

I sincerely hope you and AFF management know, just how valuable Umut is. Not only that but he is kind, courteous and a total Joy for all members to chat with, when dealing with glitches, frustrations and the like on AFF... He put the "service" in Customer Service and needs to be commended.

He made my time, a lot easier while there. Please, if you could forward this message to him and congratulate Umut on a job well done, I would sincerely appreciate it.

Please also tell him (author51) the Canadian, says Hi and that the next time I have poutine it will be warm and eaten with a smile.. Umut will know what I am referring to..

Thank you..

Joy ( author51)

For those here reading this and still blogging on AFF, do you go onto Live Chat when problems arise, or do you just send a message to Customer Support?
Going onto Live Chat is so much quicker in the response time to help deal with the issues more efficiently within minutes instead of maybe days.
Have any of you dealt with Umut personally from Tech Support and can relate?

If you do go to Live Chat, in order to bypass Tier 1, give your username and password immediately and ask them to transfer you to Tech Support in that same text, right off the bat..

Fingers crossed you all get Umut. He is AFF's saving grace and one who will try to bend over backwards without all the automated Lip Service on that site, trust me..


Thursday, April 18, 2024


 Has taken a turn in the last couple of days, as two exiles have made their way back to AFF and are  reinstated. I truly am happy for them, regardless of all 4 of us knowing what has gone down, transpired, our own thoughts and AFF's stance with both Jon and Ali on the issue.

The "All For One And One For All" no matter what the 2 reinstated do, shall forever bind us 4, no matter what. Friends till the end is what we are..

Two of us 4 , even though we both had more followers, are not, nor will be re-instated without conditions.. Something neither, both myself and Enigma ever wanted nor would agree to..

One condition by both Ali and Jon that even though our original profiles and blogs would not be reinstated or allowed, if both myself and Enigma decided to return under false pretenses of who we were prior, with new handles, profiles, blogs and start from scratch, after all these years, we would be let back in..

So not going to happen for two of us original, Gang of 4 Exiles. Like a Tom Petty song, we just Don't Back Down."

Especially with any strings or conditions attached. Both myself and Enigma declined, but had already prior this development telling the other two"Exiles", those working behind the scenes on our behalf, and our followers in Private messages on AFF, we would not be returning ever and precisely why, they would never see us again on AFF..

For the  other Exiles I myself have had the pleasure of either Disagreeing  to Agree with after this last month and a bit with you all, You have a forever "Friend In Me." "You Oughta Know" that by now..


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Due to 4 days of rain and high winds, my back deck was finally completed late yesterday and looks both sturdy and stunning. Pics of the before and after to follow...

Today, it is my Stairway To Heaven, especially when I get home from work or my Highway To Hell which I use to get to work, that is being built as we speak. Another entire day for me and my sis being stuck inside my apartment when we are All Revved Up With No Place To Go.

When my landlord approached me about rebuilding the deck and stairs, his thoughts were to make the deck totally private all the way around. I asked him not to "Fence Me In" the entire deck. In our hot, humid summers, it gets like an oven upstairs both inside my apartment and outside..

I enquired if I could have at least one section of the railing more open to let some air flow through, along with be able to see the Classic Cars that drive past my place on those Sunny Days of summer.

( Lighthouse was awesome to see live in December 2023. This was one of my favourite songs they played.)

 The Classic Cars are worth the view, I could see previously on my old deck. The railings had not been up to code, so were a lot shorter for me to see over top ,compared to the height of the new ones now replaced..It was why I asked my landlord, knowing Total Privacy on the new deck would stop the Air Flow of Traffic, per say.

Without further adieu, it is time for me to show you here, my out with the old and in with the new, without the view of my new Stairway To Heaven or

When was the last time for you  when it came to out with the old and in with the new home repairs? What was it you needed to replace?

Here is my Old Deck and Stairs, along with at least my new deck as my old Back Stairs will not be finished till at least Sundown..

Friday, April 12, 2024



Was all I could do yesterday. I had three "Back Door Men" on my one and only "Sweet Escape" out of my upper apartment of the Heritage house I live in, replacing my Big Deck..

Due to the rain and winds I had both Thursday and today, only being able to look out my back door is all I can do until Monday. Even though they got the deck itself built, both the railings along with new back stairs so I can leave my apartment are now scheduled for Monday weather permitting..

I have a few before and after photos I took in the last few days along with some older photos with no bushes, but flowers instead I usually have every late spring/summer..

So: How Big Is Your Deck?

If you have one, when was the last time that Hard Wood was replaced?

Do you have your own outdoor patio or deck to enjoy in the summer months?

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



Once I saw the title of the Album the song 3AM came from by Matchbox Twenty, this once Mainstream AFF blogger in Exile, could not resist..

If there is One Thing I miss about AFF at the moment, it is not Talking Anymore at 3 a.m when I get home from work. When it is After Midnight connecting with either other Nigh shift workers or those living in a different time zone..

There was always someone awake on AFF at least to chat with who had also just got home from A Hard Day's Night. While the majority of the world was sound asleep, I had and chatted with a multitude of others, who were either Restless, or jacked up on coffee and adrenaline due to working The Night Shift..

There is a club in Toronto called The Oasis that quite a few Midnight Owls like me, while chatting used to ask me to go

So my fellow Exiles and others.. Have you ever worked Midnights?

If so and you now work during the day, which one do you prefer? Daytime or Night Time?

One thing this Mainstream Exile is truly missing from the other site is chatting and connecting with others, especially at 3 AM in the morning..

Monday, April 8, 2024


 Is what social media has dubbed todays Total Solar Eclipse.. Mexico, parts of the U.S.A. and Canada, will be able to witness in Totality, the Dark Side Of The Moon as it eclipses the Hard, Black Hole Sun.

In Canada here, I myself am just shy of it's path of Totality being an hour north of Toronto. A buddy of mine from a town called Leamington which is directly in it's path, has taken today off work to go to what is called a Totality

The article below is from Wikipedia....


In Canada, the path of totality will pass over parts of Southern and Eastern Ontario (including LeamingtonFort Erie,[16] HamiltonNiagara FallsKingstonPrince Edward County, and Cornwall),[17] parts of southern Quebec (including MontrealSherbrookeSaint-Georges and Lac-Mégantic), central New Brunswick (including FrederictonWoodstock and Miramichi),[18] western Prince Edward Island (including Tignish and Summerside),[19][20] the northern tip of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia,[21] and central Newfoundland (including Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor). Then, it will vanish on the eastern Atlantic coast of Newfoundland.[22] Some of the Canadian cities listed, such as Hamilton and Montreal, are on an edge of the path of totality. WindsorLondonToronto and Ottawa lie just north of the path of totality, and Moncton lies just south of it.

A partial solar eclipse will be visible in all of the other parts of Canada, except the western part of Yukon and the western tip of the Northwest Territories.

With Enigma's post on the subject yesterday:

and people thinking it may be "The End Of The World" as they know it, I feel fine about it all myself. In fact I am in

Due to not being in it's Total path, plus the cloud cover here today, there will be no Total Eclipse of the Sun nor my Heart at all today for missing it..

How about you? Even though, North America will be able to view it depending on your own cloud covers and weather conditions, are you in the Eclipses Path Of Totality today?
Will you be able to See It Clearly?

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


 Between a message offline I received this morning from my fellow blogging buddy Paul and todays HNW theme I felt the need to post here about it..

Slippery When Wet by Bon Jovi was one of my favourite Albums bar none, hence the title here.

Paul's message offline went like this at the end:  

Oh, and happy HNW..

My reply was:
No HNW for me..I got kicked out a long time ago there when Ethical Slut Missy was a

At that time on AFF, both myself (author51) and a not so "Ethical Slut" butted heads big time. She ended up blocking me from HNW,  and being a part of it, as I was way back when. She gave my love for showing any future HNW posts, a Bad Name..

Ethical Slut Missy, left AFF, not too long afterwards. So very many years ago. With JN at the helm, I knew I probably could have once more, become a member but chose not to. A not so Ethical Slut, just left such a bad taste for me on AFF, I did not pursue joining HNW again..

I have so many stories and photos here still between  HNW, Bath, Showers, and Slippery When Wet I saved from AFF, yet the lingering thought of EthicalSlutMissy kicking me out of the HNW group and why I will not ever post any here, even on blogspot has me and forever remaining an OutKast..


As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

About Me

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.