Friday, May 17, 2024


With not one, but three of my fellow Exiles standing now on AFF, I had told them at the start of it all I would not ever come back. I wished them all well and only hope the best for them.. I told all 3 of them when it first started, it was JN, spunky and Enigma who everyone wanted back and not myself. I knew that.. It was JN first who was and still is a long time friend, I stood up for on AFF and why I was banned. I do not nor did care when we were all exiled.. What I did and still do care about is them.. My three fellow exiles know that no matter if "author51 is the Last of the 4 Exiles standing, not reinstated nor wanting back, that is my choice. You do You, I will do me and we will all respect each other's decisions and truly know, we 4 stood as one. Knowing what truly happened behind the scenes and screens with reinstatements, convos between Jon and Ali and everything else that happened..


  1. I always have felt bad that you all got banned for standing up for me, and for that, I still am truly sorry.

    While it would have been great to celebrate the triumphant return of a 4 of the Exiles, your wishes are understood and respected. We have Blogger that continues to connect us, and there is no wait time before our new posts go live.

    1. One thing I love about this site is there are less hassles to deal with for sure my friend. No need to feel bad as you would have done the same for us..

    2. Yup. I would have, for sure.

  2. Our exile together was an interesting experience. In some ways we all got what we wanted even if we wanted slightly different things. So I regard our campaign as a victory.

    1. True that and yes it was a victory for us all in one way or another..

  3. Just a rejoinder, it was heartening that we were supported by many others in our campaign. I'm particularly thinking of anastasia666 here.
    Also, Joy, I think if you wanted back you would have got back by hook or crook. Your blog had many, many foloowers.

    1. True on both counts there.Ana was such a wonder at helping us all..

  4. If you had wanted back, I would have fought for you. Hard. And, I wouldn't have gone back without you being able to go. But, I knew you didn't want to go back.

    Thomas, 69er I can't remember the rest of his handle. He was lamenting, to me, you still being gone. I asked if he had a message for you, I haven't heard back.

    Just know that you're missed.

    1. I know you would have fought hard for me my friend and so thankful for you all. Thomas and I chat offline so all good there. Even though I do not want back, there are certain aspects and people on that site I miss. I am glad I have you all here with me still though..

  5. I'm sure there are many of your fans who'd love to see you back. But totally understand your decision not to return. I still feel like I'm moving toward a departure from there or at the least, dialing things back quite a bit.

  6. Thanks smarty. If you ever do depart from the site, I am glad you, me and the others have this venue to remain connected


  7. I miss your daily erotic writings. Things that you do not do here. Not that I commented there often (or here for that matter).


    1. I miss writing them and miss you and others there as well my friend. No worries on ever commenting here or when I was there, but do love when you pop in here..xoxo



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.