Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Battle Of The Banned Bloggers Author51 style

 Hello my fellow banned  bloggers and other members, followers and readers ..

I was hesitant to start a blog here alongside both JN and Enigma and our banishment  due to a few things. One was finding out a long time stalker of mine from that site was here, reading their blogs and had commented..

Having said that, the basement dweller means nothing in the grand scheme of things at all and especially in my real world..

I know for the almost nine years I blogged twice a day, I accumulated almost as many foes as I did friends there and that is to be expected. Those that hate you whether they have actually never met you, nor connected with you in private, those are the unimportant ones. They mean NOTHING......

The ones that you form a bond, a friendship with both on-line and off, they are the keepers in life..Those that you can  agree to disagree with the odd time, yet still maintain that friendship as ADULTS do. I am blessed with forging quite a few friendships over the years and could not be prouder to go into Battle with them time and again.

This was a post I wrote which got me banned a week ago.

TAKING A STAND ALONG WITH JAPANFor those long-time members, blog followers and those in the know..Japan was bannedFor taking a standSharing views that we can all attest toI stand in SolidarityNot caring about PopularityBut more about what is trueThe new powers that beMuzzle those that speak FreeLike Japan, myself, and moreWhile letting in thoseThat are fake and it showsWho are rotten to the coreThose that do not take a standFor all that is good here, especially in Blog LandAre bowing out to both evil and greedJapan ( JPN) disappeared in her time of needChances are good for me also, planting this seedWhile taking a stand along with JapanFrom an outspoken Canadian blogger who will also get bannedTo the Powers here that be, because we dare to speak FreeYou are barking up the WRONG TREE ..Do your Job and dispose of the garbage hereThose Bots, fakes and scammers you actually hold dearOnes who You think are actually bringing in moneyWhile banning those who are Real and have been bringing this site fucking money in for decades already.

Sorry but lost the rhythm of this at the end...lol.

I shall blog here along with my Banned Buddies and other members and continue the Battle. All For One and One For All....


  1. Going to take a while to figure this site out...lol.

  2. Sorry I didn't catch on that you started a blog sooner. I started this blog and also purchased a domain and started my own website. So, I've been pretty busy.

  3. Kudos to you for starting your own website and no worries.Thanks for all your help Deb.

  4. It was a learning curve for me, too, but I really like how I can place images without worrying about them getting taken down and I don't have to wait for the less-then-stellar reviewers to get around to approving my posts. Plus, I can even upload videos, so I'm looking forward to the fireworks season.

    1. I love that we can add videos and photos here and also not have to worry about either our posts to be denied, and or comments, let alone the wait for our blog posts to go live..Loved your fireworks video..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.