Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Due to 4 days of rain and high winds, my back deck was finally completed late yesterday and looks both sturdy and stunning. Pics of the before and after to follow...

Today, it is my Stairway To Heaven, especially when I get home from work or my Highway To Hell which I use to get to work, that is being built as we speak. Another entire day for me and my sis being stuck inside my apartment when we are All Revved Up With No Place To Go.

When my landlord approached me about rebuilding the deck and stairs, his thoughts were to make the deck totally private all the way around. I asked him not to "Fence Me In" the entire deck. In our hot, humid summers, it gets like an oven upstairs both inside my apartment and outside..

I enquired if I could have at least one section of the railing more open to let some air flow through, along with be able to see the Classic Cars that drive past my place on those Sunny Days of summer.

( Lighthouse was awesome to see live in December 2023. This was one of my favourite songs they played.)

 The Classic Cars are worth the view, I could see previously on my old deck. The railings had not been up to code, so were a lot shorter for me to see over top ,compared to the height of the new ones now replaced..It was why I asked my landlord, knowing Total Privacy on the new deck would stop the Air Flow of Traffic, per say.

Without further adieu, it is time for me to show you here, my out with the old and in with the new, without the view of my new Stairway To Heaven or Hell..lol.

When was the last time for you  when it came to out with the old and in with the new home repairs? What was it you needed to replace?

Here is my Old Deck and Stairs, along with at least my new deck as my old Back Stairs will not be finished till at least Sundown..


  1. That railing is quite a bit higher than the old one. The other two sides (with the almost solid wall rails) do not appear to have much of a view. I am glad that your landlord listened to your suggestions and provided that iron railing view to the street. And if you want private privacy, you could always hang a tarp over that railing temporarily. 😉


    1. Too true there as there may be a time or two where I want complete privacy on my deck my friend. The old rails might have been 36 inches.These new ones are 42 Hun..

  2. Your new deck looks great! I'm glad it's finally done so you can move on with your life and that your landlord was willing to listen.

    I redid my bathroom by myself a few years back. And, I repainted our living room wall in a cool pattern last year.

    1. You are a handy woman my friend. Thanks. I am glad my landlord listened and love the look of the black spindles. Now I can rest outside comfortably and still be able to have a view on that side at least..

  3. It was nice of the landlord to consider your request. The new deck and stairs look nice 😁

    I haven't done any remodeling but I did get the outside painted a few years ago.

    1. Thanks my friend.It is a lot sturdier now and love the view from the black spindled railing. It is hard to paint the outside.Kudos to you for doing it..

    2. I didn't paint my house myself. The kid did it since that's what he does for a living. I got the family discount. LoL

    3. lol Nice that your kid gave you the family discount there my friend.lol

  4. Your decking looks great.
    I've still got a lot of work to my home that I bought two years ago. It needs a lot of work (and money) doing on it.

    1. Thank you. Homeownership can be both costly and time consuming when renovating them. All one can do is keep chipping away at them when both the time and expenses align..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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