Thursday, April 18, 2024


 Has taken a turn in the last couple of days, as two exiles have made their way back to AFF and are  reinstated. I truly am happy for them, regardless of all 4 of us knowing what has gone down, transpired, our own thoughts and AFF's stance with both Jon and Ali on the issue.

The "All For One And One For All" no matter what the 2 reinstated do, shall forever bind us 4, no matter what. Friends till the end is what we are..

Two of us 4 , even though we both had more followers, are not, nor will be re-instated without conditions.. Something neither, both myself and Enigma ever wanted nor would agree to..

One condition by both Ali and Jon that even though our original profiles and blogs would not be reinstated or allowed, if both myself and Enigma decided to return under false pretenses of who we were prior, with new handles, profiles, blogs and start from scratch, after all these years, we would be let back in..

So not going to happen for two of us original, Gang of 4 Exiles. Like a Tom Petty song, we just Don't Back Down."

Especially with any strings or conditions attached. Both myself and Enigma declined, but had already prior this development telling the other two"Exiles", those working behind the scenes on our behalf, and our followers in Private messages on AFF, we would not be returning ever and precisely why, they would never see us again on AFF..

For the  other Exiles I myself have had the pleasure of either Disagreeing  to Agree with after this last month and a bit with you all, You have a forever "Friend In Me." "You Oughta Know" that by now..



  1. It's been in interesting journey, that's for sure.

    Thanks for all your support during this weird time in my life, I do appreciate it. It has bonded us, you're right.

    1. It has been a pleasure Deb. and more so bonding with you during this roller coaster of a ride. Thank you for being a friend..xoxo

  2. I appreciate your principles in not wanting to come back "under the radar". It's a silly condition since most of your followers would figure out who you are quickly enough!

    1. So very true there as I would have let them all know it was we know why people with more than one profile get in..Sad I think..

  3. Real friendships have been formed, for sure. Silver lining in this debacle

    1. Too right you are my friend and I truly thank you for your friendship.It is indeed a silver lining out of what has transpired..

  4. The site's offer that you and Debbi can only come back to AFF under a different handle was a nonsense. It was very vindictive denying you both access to your blogs if you so wished to go back on those terms.
    I am seething that AFF didn't make the same offer to you and Debbi as JN and me regardless whether you accepted the offer or not.

  5. Thanks my fellow exile and long time friend,, I am seething also. Having said that, it just put another reason why, that site and how it is run with Jon and Ali, even more toxic than a month ago,,



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.