Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter

 I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter and hope you have a wonderful Long Easter Weekend..

Thursday, March 28, 2024


 In December 2023 on AFF, I wrote a post about my Old Flame and I, seeing the Canadian band "Lighthouse", with him orchestrating  purchasing tickets for us both as a Christmas present.

It was a special night of music we both grew up on, as we are the exact same age, listened to and it brought our connection even closer. For those of you here and especially still on AFF searching for that one to "Fuck" decades younger... please give your head a shake. Being of the same generation, there is no comparison at all.. None..

Fast forward to this morning for me, and reciprocating  with buying tickets at the same venue for another legendary Canadian Band called " The Stampeders."

The "Stampeders" who hail from, Calgary, Alberta  where Canada's world renowned" Calgary Stampede" is from. The original members of  "The Stampeders"  playing at the same venue as "Lighthouse" did at Christmas... I  bought the tickets..

One of the Stampeders songs " Oh My Lady" and the tickets I bought this morning, along with Lighthouse's " Pretty Lady" he bought for us at Christmas, hits home.

So do these next ones that most Canadians will know , but no one else will outside of Canada and this one song of theirs that Hit the Billboard charts  with " Sweet City Woman." Along with these next songs..

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



After more than three weeks living in exile from AFF. along with JN, Enigma and BowAndArrowMan here, I myself am still fielding  messages offsite as to where exactly have we gone and if we are coming back at all. So much so that it  "Drives Me Crazy."

Messages like this one : Hey Joy any luck with AFF and reinstatement? I'm thinking of not renewing my Gold membership and sending them a note telling them the reason why is banning you and no more blog to read for me. He then went on to ask Where have I gone?

What other outlet can you use I wonder? Can't keep that bottled up forever. You are an amazing erotic writer.

My response was : Hey my Schwing I am on a site called blogspot with the three others who were exiled on AFF. and other AFF bloggers who now blog with us on that site but also still on AFF..

No erotica nor body shots though for me. The one and only site I have ever written erotica on has been AFF.

Here is another one that came in this morning: 

Just checking in with you ! 
Any results from aff? Or you still boycotting it?

My reply was : I am boycotting it and you will not see me back there at all..I do miss you and everyone there, yet am happy to be away from it now.. Thanks for checking in always sexy man..xoxo

Three weeks later since I and the other exiles have been gone after years of blogging. Forging the way for new bloggers, helping the site out numerous times, bringing in members who want to pay for Gold when Standard or those who are Gold now, not renewing due to us not being there and still trying to find out where we are, because we are not there anymore..

I must say after all these weeks it feels nice to be missed and that others are still thinking about us..

I know there are things we all miss by not being there anymore for sure. Knowing what we did there, through our blogs made an impact on members, makes being exiled kind of a blessing in disguise

Monday, March 25, 2024


 All you have to do is call, and I'll be there.. You've got a

While reading a few of my friend's posts earlier where spring has sprung already, in my little corner of the Universe in Ontario, Canada, I am still waiting for Spring..

For the last couple of weeks, the promise of Spring with Robins returning, gave myself and others false hope that my own Spring Had Sprung..

Being born and raised in Canada and I would think parts of the Northern States, you just know especially in March, that Winter can and does still have a firm grip on our weather..

Add Climate change in there along with the "New Mother Nature" trying to take over and Old Man Winter battling one another, and you learn that Spring itself, does not fully happen until at least the end of April..

Do not quote me on that though as I have seen snow and cold temps here on our May 24th long weekend "Up Here In Canada."

Seeing all " Four Seasons" here myself in one 24 hour span since January 1963 until now in 2024 ( among seeing Frankie Valley and the Four Seasons, do this song Live in 2018)  "You Learn" like a fellow Canadians song that all four seasons here happen in one day..

Winter is Back for me here right now with no sign of Spring, for this "Canadian Girl."

You just learn, no matter the signs of Spring, with possibly warm temps in March and any flower poking it's head up along with Robins and other birds, Winter is not finished battling with Mother Nature at all..

For those of you here, experiencing Spring and seeing your photos with both gardens you have, flowers blooming along with vegetables  in your own neck of the Woods, as of Saturday morning, this is what I had both experienced and was shoveling, in the first two photos..

One never puts away their toques, parka, mitts, long johns, winter boots , shovel, snow tires if you are from Canada and or the Northern U.S States, even when Spring in your area where you reside has sprung..Never plant anything either until 

after April, no matter just how mild it is..

Mother Nature has other plans. Weather wise at least..

Thursday, March 21, 2024


I was chatting earlier with two of my fellow exiled AFF bloggers. One about a comment on his blog I had posted twice that  disappeared .

The other was how every situation has a Silver Lining and being exiled together has been one of them.

Out of the four of us, I am the one with the Bad Reputation. I know it, was loved by some when it came to  S E X and writing it along with explicit photos, yet not by others..

While on that site as well, I had a reputation for calling Bloggers out. Be it the site itself , or others who had pissed me off and could not message them offsite..

Both Enigma and Bow And Arrow Man along with JN were friends and fellow bloggers who I had been through the trenches and back together for years there.

Even though JN and I thankfully retained our friendship, I ended up Burning some Bridges with both Enigma and Bow And Arrow Man in the process..

I co-wrote a song once with my older brother called Burning Bridges..

" All those burning bridges that have fallen after me
  All those lonely feelings and their burning memories
  Everyone I've left behind, each time I closed the door
  Burning bridges lost forever more."

The Silver Lining for this exiled blogger now, has been Bridging over Troubled Waters that I once may have burned myself..

Defending a Friend, like JN, no matter what bridges I myself may  have burned,

has made all four of us "Come Together" again and I Thank you..

Thank you for Being a Friend..


Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 I have to thank my fellow bloggers in AFF Exile, Bow And Arrow Man,  JN and Enigma for inspiration. JN for her comment about a Japanese Boy Band called The Exiles, and Enigma's blog titled "Not Worth It."

Since being on this site while in Exile from AFF, it has brought me "Peace Of Mind" along with once more becoming a "Shiny Happy People." person full of Joy..

The lyrics to Peace Of Mind speaks volumes..

It has brought Joy back into my life among those closest to me since being in Exile from AFF..

With all the frustrations, denials, messages on AFF from those out in left field, haters , jealousy, bots, fakes, scammers and sex trade professionals getting paid, that site lost it's luster for me a long time ago..

If given "One More Chance" by AFF to "Get Back" to a site I once belonged to while blogging on this site in Exile, Looking Back now a mere two weeks later, and being a Blogger here, there is no comparison at all.."I am Happy Together" on this site with my fellow exiles and other bloggers from AFF here along with us..

I was asked by a few off-line earlier that if reinstated, what would I do?

I replied back that I would write one Blog Post only to say Hello and Goodbye. A final Farewell and to Thank everyone that made my almost 9 year blog journey on AFF a Joy. Once posted, I would leave it up for 24 hours and then either shut off my profile, or deactivate my own account, putting author51 on AFF, in exile permanently..

Sometimes, the Grass is Greener on the other side, and this site is now my Home filling the Hole In My Heart that AFF put there when first Exiled..Going our Separate Ways after all these years on AFF, has never been "Sweeter" no matter how loved I may have been  there..

Sunday, March 17, 2024


It is not letting me upload the video for some reason but above and below are the links to them.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to one and all. I shall be donning the Green and singing a few songs later today down at my local Irish Pub later with my Old Flame and sister.

I shall probably be feeling a little Green tomorrow morning, but Thankfully do not work until Monday night so I shall have all day to recover tomorrow..

Irish Blessings here to one and all and hope you have a wonderful St.Patrick's Day that is full of shenanigans..

Two Irishmen, two Irishmen were digging in a ditch
One called the other a dirty Son Of A....
Peter Murphy had a dog, a dirty dog was he
He sold her to a lady to keep her company
She fed it, she fed it, the dirty little runt
Climbed up her petticoat and bit her on the....
Two Countrymen, two countrymen were sitting on a rock
Along came a bumblebee and stung them on the....
Cocktail, ginger ale 5 cents a glass
If you don't like it stick it up your.....
Ask me no more questions, tell me no more lies
and if you get hit by a bucket of shit
Be sure to close your eyes!
Happy St.Patrick's Day everyone!

Friday, March 15, 2024



On the Heels of my fellow banned friend and highly respected blogger JN from AFF post here titled Dirty Tricks, I myself experienced another from the site yesterday, off-line..

Along with JN, Enigma and spunky(aka here,Bow and Arrow Man) all of us have been messaging AFF since our Battle Of The Banned, The Gang Of Four, or The Four Horsemen and Women Of The Apocalypse were abolished there..All 4 of us not being responded to one way or the other at all..

While JN, spunky and Enig's main blog pages remained on AFF which is a dirty trick indeed, while being banned, my own was not. I thought it weird myself, but truly did not give it a lot of thought, until yesterday..

After sending off another email to the powers that be on AFF behind it all, I received a message directly after from the postmaster@... that it was Undeliverable..

I have been diligent along with fellow bloggers and standard members in support of us all. Daily messaging the site and to Ali, who is in charge of banning us. Jon "Fuckheit" the CEO has"ensured" ours and others to Ali especially have been received and read by him..

Prior yesterday, all of mine had gotten through and were delivered supposedly.Whether read or not or filtered to the Trash bin by Ali, both myself and the other three, had no idea..

Not in my case anymore, as my own bounced back for the first time ever, by way of a Blocking site called that the site is using.Whether it is Ali using it without Jon's knowledge, or Jon himself lying and feigning "Surprise" that the site uses any site at all to Block any member, who messages them whether defending themselves , or another, let alone any supporter who messages them off-line about any issue whatsoever, makes this an even Dirtier Deed..

That site and it's Dirty Deeds and Dirty Tricks they pull among other toxic crap going on there right now with both Jon and Ali at the helm, is now one for myself, I will never, ever go back to..40,000 followers and one of 4 Level 10's there or not..

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Too Much Time On My Hands

Because I have more time on my hands at the moment, due to my exile from Adultfriendfinder, I have been exploring a wee bit more here on Blogger.

I do and did have a life outside of both AFF's very narrow cyber walls, and the internet highway, yet since being banned, when I have nothing on the go at this time, I feel a tad lost so to speak.

When on AFF at 9:14 a.m. I would be replying to comments from my morning erotica, reading my followed blog posts, returning the favour on theirs, and searching for songs to use for my noon hour post..

For the last 10 days now, if I have no errands to run, no date to mate with my Old Flame/boyfriend and my sister who lives with me is taken care of, I have a lot more Time On My Hands..

Blogging on AFF, along with connecting with hundreds of people daily, became my almost 9 year addiction. My 9 year Blogversary was April 5th, which is coming up shortly..Time flies when you are having fun eh!..

I had joined the site in August 2014, but was not until 2015 my own blogging journey started..

Now due to Ali and yes Jon for speaking up about both JN's initial ban, along with the unscrupulous practices of AFF itself since Jon took over, I have more time on my hands at this time of day to do other things.. One thing, is to Blog here instead..

For my fellow banned AFF bloggers, are you finding yourself now with more time on your hands?

I am going to act now like I have more than two followers which are ones in exile with me from AFF.

To those possibly reading this from AFF who are on Blogger and blogging there also, do you have less time on your own hands now when blogging on both sites?

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Battle Of The Banned Bloggers Author51 style

 Hello my fellow banned  bloggers and other members, followers and readers ..

I was hesitant to start a blog here alongside both JN and Enigma and our banishment  due to a few things. One was finding out a long time stalker of mine from that site was here, reading their blogs and had commented..

Having said that, the basement dweller means nothing in the grand scheme of things at all and especially in my real world..

I know for the almost nine years I blogged twice a day, I accumulated almost as many foes as I did friends there and that is to be expected. Those that hate you whether they have actually never met you, nor connected with you in private, those are the unimportant ones. They mean NOTHING......

The ones that you form a bond, a friendship with both on-line and off, they are the keepers in life..Those that you can  agree to disagree with the odd time, yet still maintain that friendship as ADULTS do. I am blessed with forging quite a few friendships over the years and could not be prouder to go into Battle with them time and again.

This was a post I wrote which got me banned a week ago.

TAKING A STAND ALONG WITH JAPANFor those long-time members, blog followers and those in the know..Japan was bannedFor taking a standSharing views that we can all attest toI stand in SolidarityNot caring about PopularityBut more about what is trueThe new powers that beMuzzle those that speak FreeLike Japan, myself, and moreWhile letting in thoseThat are fake and it showsWho are rotten to the coreThose that do not take a standFor all that is good here, especially in Blog LandAre bowing out to both evil and greedJapan ( JPN) disappeared in her time of needChances are good for me also, planting this seedWhile taking a stand along with JapanFrom an outspoken Canadian blogger who will also get bannedTo the Powers here that be, because we dare to speak FreeYou are barking up the WRONG TREE ..Do your Job and dispose of the garbage hereThose Bots, fakes and scammers you actually hold dearOnes who You think are actually bringing in moneyWhile banning those who are Real and have been bringing this site fucking money in for decades already.

Sorry but lost the rhythm of this at the

I shall blog here along with my Banned Buddies and other members and continue the Battle. All For One and One For All....


As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

About Me

My photo
Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.