Friday, March 15, 2024



On the Heels of my fellow banned friend and highly respected blogger JN from AFF post here titled Dirty Tricks, I myself experienced another from the site yesterday, off-line..

Along with JN, Enigma and spunky(aka here,Bow and Arrow Man) all of us have been messaging AFF since our Battle Of The Banned, The Gang Of Four, or The Four Horsemen and Women Of The Apocalypse were abolished there..All 4 of us not being responded to one way or the other at all..

While JN, spunky and Enig's main blog pages remained on AFF which is a dirty trick indeed, while being banned, my own was not. I thought it weird myself, but truly did not give it a lot of thought, until yesterday..

After sending off another email to the powers that be on AFF behind it all, I received a message directly after from the postmaster@... that it was Undeliverable..

I have been diligent along with fellow bloggers and standard members in support of us all. Daily messaging the site and to Ali, who is in charge of banning us. Jon "Fuckheit" the CEO has"ensured" ours and others to Ali especially have been received and read by him..

Prior yesterday, all of mine had gotten through and were delivered supposedly.Whether read or not or filtered to the Trash bin by Ali, both myself and the other three, had no idea..

Not in my case anymore, as my own bounced back for the first time ever, by way of a Blocking site called that the site is using.Whether it is Ali using it without Jon's knowledge, or Jon himself lying and feigning "Surprise" that the site uses any site at all to Block any member, who messages them whether defending themselves , or another, let alone any supporter who messages them off-line about any issue whatsoever, makes this an even Dirtier Deed..

That site and it's Dirty Deeds and Dirty Tricks they pull among other toxic crap going on there right now with both Jon and Ali at the helm, is now one for myself, I will never, ever go back to..40,000 followers and one of 4 Level 10's there or not..


  1. As you know, it's over for me too. I'm done with the games they play. If/when Andrew comes back, I'll be back. :)

    1. Same here yet it is going to be a while before that happens..

    2. You never know, this could all shake out in moderation. The judge ordered them to try to settle within the next 180 days.

    3. True that Deb..We shall see and so hope Andrew takes over the reigns once more..

  2. I've been told that the site is not pleased with all the mails received, whether true or not I don't know.
    I only want back to retrieve my blog posts but I'm resigned to not retrieving them.
    I'll only go back when Andrew wins his court case and Jon and Ali have gone. I should imagine their dismissal would be one of the first things he would do if and when he returns to the helm.

  3. I have my suspicions that our blogs will not be forever purged and once Andrew wins, he'll be able to retrieve our old blogs.

    1. I'm confident that would be the case. Come on Andrew!

    2. I have a feeling you are right Deb.Just glad I have most of mine saved if and when Andrew is back in control..

  4. While I'm happy blogging on Blogger, I'm not going to go down without a fight. The management is playing dirty and they need to pay. If they're unhappy about getting all the emails from us and our supporters, they only have themselves to blame for not acting in good faith.

    1. So well said and very true. After being blocked yesterday and it was only the site that did that, my messaging days are over with them. Yes they do need to pay for not acting in good faith.They picked on the wrong 4..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.