Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Relaxation On Vacation

One would think vacations should be for relaxation but that has not been the case so far . A few years ago the Management Company of my sister's and two other apartment complexes, sold the land to Developers,in order to tear them down and build Condos. Due to delays in building permits along with acquiring capital, the work was put on hold... Until two days ago and they started digging for the first time.. My sister lives on the ground floor and the digging commenced right outside her patio. It has been non stop since and far from relaxing.. The Management Company has not sent out notices nor given the Tenants any type of timeline for moving out at all... Along with all the noise now comes the worry my sister is going through on having to eventually find a new and affordable place to live..She and most tenants here are on fixed incomes or Disability pensions.. I will keep you updated here when my sister and I get more details. Sometimes there is just no relaxation when on vacation.


  1. Sometimes I need a holiday after a holiday to wind down. Holidays are stressful sometimes!

    1. I hear you on that my friend.They can also be quite pricey as well. I will be relaxing today with my sons on a hike which I am so looking forward to.

  2. Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things out well in her favor.

    1. Thanks my friend.I hope they do also..Hugs 🤗

  3. It sux that property owners just up and sell properties that have renters living there. Hope all works out for your sister and other renters.

    1. Thanks my friend.Like everything else in this world,it is all about the money..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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