Wednesday, June 5, 2024


A few days after asking my fellow 3 former exiles on AFF to get my "Message From Joy" out and try to help reach as many readers and followers of my own if possible, all three graciously posted it on their blogs. Knowing our resident spunky/Robin Hood would be the last one on Sunday to do so. I asked him to post my Signature Song along with a photo I had sent offline as well..
A Message From Joy This is a repost in an attempt to reach as many of Joy's followers as possible. We are aware not all of her followers follow us, but it's worth a shot. Without further ado, here's her message: An update from Joy ( formerly known as author51) For those who knew me for almost 9 years in Blog Land, I wanted to say Hi and also that I miss you all. Some enquiring minds want to know how I have been since my exile and if I will ever return. Even though I have missed you and the wonderful connections I made, especially when blogging, I will not be back. Since my exile in March, life has been good. I blog on a different forum and have remained in contact with a few of you and for that I am grateful. For those who used to read me daily but lost contact with when banned, I regret that and think about you often. I am healthy, happy and still having fun with life and my Significant Other. Just know that all is well with me as I sincerely hope it is for you too. I just wanted to give those who have been enquiring about me, a quick Hi and final Goodbye update. Even though we may never see or speak to one another again, I think of you all with gratitude and love for the Joy, you brought this Joy over the years. Stay safe, happy and healthy please.. Love Always Joy (author51) Having all three of them starting with JN first,Enigma next, and last but not least (spunky)Bow And Arrow Man, honour my request, I was so very humbled and grateful for their friendship and support. They have my total respect and heart always.. It was not until early this morning, I found out through my "Twin Pepperpot" (Ana) and her Notifications on AFF along with Enigma and her followers list on Community Blogs that Joy (author51) on AFF, had been reinstated and resurrected at all.. The floodgates opened up from other bloggers later who I had kept in contact with offline during my exile.Those who read JN's, Enigmas and spunky's 2-3 days ago, that got notifications themselves this morning that " author51" was back.. Only time will tell actually as even though " author51" and my profile may show back up now for most of you on AFF, "Joy" may not.. Those of you working behind the scenes I know and LOVE wanting "author51" along with her own full profile reinstated, no matter what transpires and has.. I truly Thank you all. Just do not try to find me as I am not " Not There" yet..


  1. I cannot see any good reason why you won't be reacquainted with your author51 blog.

    1. I sure hope so as at the very least want to get back some photos and posts there. I did save most of them but not all the photos...

  2. You know that I want you to do what’s best for you and I support whatever decision you make. That said, I said it before, it was only right that you were reinstated too, even if you don’t want to come back.

    1. Thanks my friend and thoroughly respect one and all decisions doing what was best for you as well. Just waiting patiently now to be able to get to both my profile and Community and at the very least, take down both my photos and blog posts.. Also to lurk more freely in Blog Land to read everyone who I followed and them me, that I can not see anymore..

  3. Like Debbi said, it's only right that your account on AFF got reinstated. What you ultimately decide to do with that account is totally up to you.

    I just finished copying all of my blogs on AFF to an archive blog here on Blogger. That took a while. LOL

    I don't plan to publish it since I kept all of the content, including ones that royally pissed off certain people. LOL

    1. LMAO smart move there my friend and bet that took a while. Love that Blogger has those archives here that we can do that in for possible future use here..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

About Me

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.