Friday, May 3, 2024



As of June 11th, I am on my way traveling on West Jet and jetting West to British Columbia, to spend time with my 3 kids, 2 grandkids and three of my older siblings along with friends I also see once a year.
I am so "Up" at the moment with excitement and "Jumping" for Joy, that nothing will bring me down until the wheels of the WestJet touch ground.

I return July 1st, which is "Canada Day" and will be home to celebrate it with my man, watching the fireworks on my new back deck, before we make fireworks of our own afterwards..

I will post more about it all here when my departure date is closer at hand..

The beauty for this seasonal worker is that I work hard for 9 months of the year during Spring, Fall and Winter, but get the summers off. Whoever said  there  "Ain't No Rest For The Wicked"

So, where did you last travel to?
What one season finds you Leaving On a Jet Plane?

Some photos here are from last summer 2023 and again 2022 when I went hiking in "Chilliwack" with my two sons..


  1. I'm glad you're getting some time away!

    I haven't been on a trip anywhere since pre pandemic. My life as changed so much with having a garden and taking care of all these cats. I just don't see how I can leave.

    1. Oh my friend, I so feel for you as Covid most definitely put a damper on traveling anywhere for all of us.You are the best Farm Friday and Cat Lady person I know. Having stated that, I come from a farming town where most of my friends are farmers who raise cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, wheat, corn, oats, barley, Llamas, barn cats, dogs and any other animal one can think of.They find the time when working 24/7, seven days a week to just take a much needed rest for at the very least 3-5 days from their fellow farming buddies. Do you not have friends there or at least Nick to take over in order to travel?

    2. Oh I have friends and I am sure I could get away for a couple of days if I left specific well written instructions for Nick.
      When Logan was here in November, we spent two days at a nice hotel here in Orlando. I, inevitably, got several phone calls from Nick at feeding time. 😂

    3. I am happy you got away for a couple of days with Logan than. As for calls from Nick at feeding time?. Yes written instructions are indeed needed when one has animals and wants to get away..

    4. It is like having children yet needing a night away the odd

  2. Your British Columbia trip to see your family sounds great.
    I haven't been away for a while. My last trip was to bracing Skegness on the Lincolnshire coast.

    1. Thank you and so looking forward to going to see them. Lincolnshire coast sounds lovely..

  3. Wishing you safe travels!

    I went to the States last year, but I've traveled to nearby places every now and then.

  4. I loved seeing your photos from your cruise you went on and so glad you got to travel there. I also love seeing all your day trip photos here..

  5. Hi Joy,

    Enjoy your annual trip west. Western Canada is beautiful. I remember it fondly when I drove the ALCAN out of Alaska in June 1989. But I will be in Niagara's Canadian side for a few days in June showing Barbie the sites while we are in Western Pennsylvania.

    Have a joyous and safe trip.


  6. I shall have a safe trip Hun and you also when you travel up here to Niagara as it is beautiful there also..xoxo



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.