Tuesday, May 7, 2024



Is something I do once a week down at my local Laundromat, as I have no washer nor dryer in my apartment. During the winter, it can be a royal pain in the butt trying to haul my laundry buggy behind me in the snow and ice up and down a slippery slope. In the spring, summer and fall, not so much.

It is during my weekly treks in the "Summer Time" or like this morning on a really warm Spring Day, that I truly look forward to doing laundry.

It is when I get hit on the most while waiting for the "Spin" cycle, if men come in to do theirs. Wearing less clothes on warm days, instead of Winter parkas, toques, boots and snow pants may have something to do with it..lol.

I had just taken my clothes out of the washer putting them directly into a dryer earlier, when an old "Crush" from my High School days came in. 

I had not seen him in years, yet recognized him immediately. A face that has not changed much since High School, but one who had lost his wife fairly recently..

A familiar face, who looked "Dazed And Confused"  staring at his laundry and the different machines there. As his eyes were wandering around at what it took to "Making It Work", he finally spotted me and his own look of relief, recognition and "joy" was immediate..

With both Him and I having recognizable faces that have not changed much over the years, we Hugged, Kissed, and than helped each other out..

Once I showed him how the washing machines worked, how long they took, what temperature to put it on and how many Twoonies and Loonies to use for both wash and dry, we sat down "Reminiscing" about  our "Old Days."

We talked while both his wash was going and my own were in the dryer. During that time, unbeknownst to me, with my Old Crush asking me for help earlier on how the Washing machine worked, I needed help of my own when it came time for me to rescue my clothes from the Dryer.. 

It seems that one of my Push-Up bras was " Hooked" on More Than A Feeling."

One of the eye hooks had firmly hooked itself to a hole in the vent. I could not pry it loose so asked my Old Crush if he could help. He had it off within a second, then he winked at me and said," Did you notice how fast I unhooked your bra?"

I started laughing at the innuendo and cheesy pick up line as he stood and talked to me while I was folding my now clean bra and other unmentionables..lol

We parted ways soon after but it was nice to catch up with him again. It made my weekly trip to the laundromat less of a chore and one of enjoyment..

So, have you had to use a laundromat and if so did you try to pick anyone up or vise versa?



  1. I've never used a launderette but I can imagine it being a good place to watch and meet people.

    1. That it is and so glad I ran into my Old Crush there yesterday..

  2. Back in the early days of my first marriage, I had to go to the laundromat. I wasn’t flirting though.

    1. The one thing I love about going is that in just over an hour, it is washed, dried and folded. It saves on hydro bills also and one can get to meet others, be it old friends like I did or not. As for flirting, I am a huge flirt myself..lol.

  3. I can't remember the last time...probably when I needed to wash something oversize like a quilt. It does sound like it would be quicker to do three loads all at once rather than stretching them out over the course of a day.

    1. Yes it is much quicker and saves on the hydro bill. I used to have a washer and dryer prior moving in here..

  4. I’ve only used ones that are in some business hotels where I was staying. They tend to be cheaper than regular laundromats. Some have communal baths right next to it so you can enjoy a nice soak while waiting for the laundry to finish.

    1. Having a bath while doing laundry at a hotel sounds like Heaven.I pay $ 6.00 Canadian for both my wash and dry..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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