Monday, May 27, 2024


After a night of drinking too many glasses of Merlot,or having a heated argument with a loved one, I always Feel Like Hell.
Thanks in large part to Cooper Alan, a country star no less, "Feel Like Hell Today" has become my Theme song for life and one I will sing at Karaoke next time I I think "Feel Like Hell Today" is one theme song that fits one and all, both online and off in our daily lives. After listening to this song earlier, I checked out others from Cooper Alan. I had not heard much about him, as I do not listen to country as a rule , nor am on TikTok. Classic Rock of course is what I love out of any other musical jenre.. Cooper Alan became Viral on TikTok for his music it seems, and his rise to fame on more mainstream channels like YouTube, along with his Live shows, soon followed. I can not believe I am saying this,but he is one Country singer, I would actually pay to see Live. His MashUps of country, pop, rap and Classic Rock has made me a Huge fan. He is phenominal and his Mashup Compilation below was well worth the almost 25 minutues it took for me to listen to.. Shout out to our Robin Hood here on his Cover Tunes blog posts as some of the songs Cooper does in his Mashups may become inspiration to you for the So my fellow readers and music lovers of any kind, first off on a day you feel like Hell or someone is pissing you off, listen to both "Feel Like Hell Today" or music that resonates with you.. Cooper Alan did for me today, both with that song along with his Compilation below... Do you have a certain Theme song of your own? One that you can relate to about Life, love and the pursuit of happiness? What is your musical genre preference?
( Please, when you have a spare half hour today, give them both a listen.) Music soothes the savage beast and heals all in my opinion, no matter which genre that resonates with us..


  1. When Cooper did his Canadian Tribute during the Longest Mashup Compilation video especially, I was Hooked. He has or is doing a Canadian Tour and is now the one and only Country singer I would LOVE to see Live..

  2. My theme song is Bon Jovi's "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead," especially when I'm battling with a deadline

    1. You had me at Bon Jovi.What a great song choice..LOVE IT!

  3. I have a few theme songs - Chic's Le Freak, Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side and Joy Division's Atmosphere to name a few.
    My favourite musical genres are disco and punk/new wave.

  4. I knew you were a disco and punk fan.As for Joy Division you so know I love the name of that band but in all honesty have not listened to a lot of their music. You had me at both Le Freak and Walk on the Wild Side. I would love to do both The Hustle and Bump with you on a dance

  5. I will have to check them out. I started both on my phone so they will be in my YouTube recents in my phone, and I can listen on my tv that has much better sound quality. :)

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. You are welcome. His Mashup Compilation is long and he does repeat some of the songs but I found it totally awesome and have it on



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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