Wednesday, April 3, 2024


 While my fellow exile BowAndArrow Man experienced a glitch with the comment section a while ago and the site putting them in as Spam, I found my first Glitch here this morning..

I am loving the fact so far with this blog site, that the odd glitch has been just that so far. Odd compared to AFF.

My glitch here since I came on earlier, has been with  notifications in my gmail to let me know there is a new comment at all. Whether it is on my posts or others I follow on blog spot.

It is also there when I go onto the links here of the comments section and how many there have been so far. Since Easter weekend Deb, JN, smarty and BowAndArrow, have written posts I have replied to, yet am not getting notified at all, both here and/or in my gmail..

Is anyone else experiencing this glitch I am right now?

One thing I am missing about AFF is the blog section and getting notifications that my many Followed blogs have posted..


  1. I'm getting notifications of comments left on my blog posts. But I don't seem to be getting email notifications, despite clicking 'Notify Me', of replies to my comment and subsequent comments left on other people's blog posts.

    1. I was not either on all counts but finally got email notifications after posting this one.

  2. I get notifications on my blog, but like Bow, I’m not getting them for everyone else’s despite clicking “Notify me”.

    I’ve kinda just been checking in on recent blogs. But I do miss the notification system

    1. The Reading list came in handy today for not being notified of comments even when we click notify me, which they were not doing..

  3. I've just mailed the Help Community here about this 'glitch'.
    It's not readily apparent whether a 'glitch' can be reported to the site.

    1. I should have checked that out too when no notifications were coming through.. Good to know.

  4. I've just been refreshing my reading list to see new posts. And, since I always seem to forget to click the "notify me" box, I tend to go back and check for responses to my comments. Yeah, it's a bit of a pain. I would say 1 point to AFF when it comes to alerts.

  5. Yes 1 point to AFF for alerts but not many Having that Reading List here is definitely a Bonus for sure..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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Only here to blog with my fellow AFF exiled friends and connect with other bloggers as well.