Wednesday, May 22, 2024


I had to look up the term "Cancel Culture" for this post. One which only dates back to being used from the late 2010's to now. As soon as I read that, it all started to make sense for this Canadian Baby Boomer born in 1963..
Cancel culture is a phrase contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a cultural phenomenon in which an individual deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner is ostracized, boycotted, shunned, fired or assaulted, often aided by social media. This shunning may extend to social or professional circles, whether on social media or in person with the most high-profile incidents involving celebrities. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been "canceled." This 61 year old had a lot of questions when reading the definition about "Who" actually deemed "What" is unacceptable in any Culture at all. No matter which race, religion, sexuality or gender others may identitfy with.. When blogging on AFF and now here, my reputation for writing my own Unfiltered somewhat offensive thoughts, proceeds me. I did not care if they were politically correct. Offending anyone had never been my concern. Walking on eggshells in fear of being "Cancelled" off AFF, or losing readers, fans, viewers or friends, had this lone exiled Canadian, not backing down nor changing to become politically correct just to appease anyone. It is one reason why I am not on AFF, reinstated, nor ever want to be.. The above video by a fellow Canadian and comdedic genius "Russell Peters" inspired this among other things.. I mentioned in my post the other day titled, "The Last One Standing Of The 4 Exiles" between JN, Robin Hood and now Enigma, who are all from different countries and environments, our views and reasons why they are back on AFF, reinstated and blogging while I am not. I was no where near as politically correct and never minced my words no matter any Culture, sexuality,religion, race nor gender. Especially towards any "Cancel Culture" who is young enough to be my child and gets offended. We Canadians, contrary to popular belief are not the "Nice Ones."


  1. Generally, cancel culture is bullshit. People get up in arms for a while, but there are rarely any real consequences. When there are real consequences (think me too and Harvey Weinstein who raped women), they’re because crimes have been committed. Not because they said something someone didn’t like.

    Any celebrity I heard about being “cancellled” last year, still has a platform and makes more money than you and I ever will.

    I do worry about offending others because I don’t want to hurt people. Sure I get mad, we all do, but to intentionally hurt someone because I care more about telling an offensive joke than their feelings? That will never be me.

    I’m never gonna use the n word, I’m never going to put down whole groups of people. I’m going to continue try strive towards not perpetuating stereotypes. If that makes me a snowflake, then that’s who I’d rather be.

    1. All good points you make as that is what makes you tick. I am on the same page with Cancel Culture and think it is bullshit..

  2. I'm not into the cancel culture but I try to be careful in my choice of words so as to not gratuitously offend a group of people. There is a bit of woke in me!

    1. Believe it or not I do not go out of my way either, yet my opinions when stated have gotten me into trouble quite a few times in my life, and undoubtedly still will..

  3. I love Russell Peters. He's hilarious.

    It's kinda entertaining watching people up in arms over some "outrage" that's mostly fabricated to distract from real life issues. Like many things these days, it's being taken to the extreme.

    I do try to word things so as not to hurt anybody I care about.

  4. You Nailed it as people are taking it to the extreme.Speaking one's mind is one thing, yet trying to force others to be quiet or not have the ability to joke about it, has become ridiculous. Russell in my opinion nailed it when he said in the interview that people need to get their heads out of their asses and if one does not like what they hear, that is their problem, not the rest of the worlds.. He is one of my all time favourite comedians..

    1. Joy, I hope you take this in the way I intended.

      Have you ever thought that what you're saying here about "Speaking one's mind is one thing, yet trying to force others to be quiet or not have the ability to joke about it is ridiculous" could be applied to a certain someone with a blog about you?

      I want to be real clear, I don't think that blog should exist. I am not defending the person or the blog in any way.

      But, what you're saying contradicts that idea. What you're saying with that statement is that blog should exist and you should not try to silence the person. That if you don't like what you hear, that is your problem and not the rest of the world's.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Deb.. You are talking to a Mom of TWO sons with Tourette Syndrome and my first born son also having extreme OCD.Growing up with "Slurs" directed at my own TWO sons, bullying of any kind and trying to "wake" any one up one who made fun of them "Seriously".. I HAVE lived it and will always from when both my Boys were born, until my dying day..It is how both my sons and I myself learn to either deal with it or not. Whatever way we as individuals, comedians on a world stage, parents of children with disabilities cope with it like both my sons and I have for over 30 years, or even knowing one like a friend or family member. It is still up to us as individuals to make the flipping choice to change the Youtube channel, t.v station, not watch it, nor let it affect us or not..

    4. I deleted my first comment to this for a reason. I will expound upon it now. The certain someone, who blogs about "ME" offsite, is a known stalker who targets strictly Me. On AFF at the start and when he was banned, made multiple profiles there, found me here on Blogger, on my FB page and Reddit..Only blogging about just one person. Me. Not any sexuality, gender, race or culture..Just personally about ONE Lone person.. That is truly when it all becomes both personal and offensive..

    5. Joy, I don't wish to argue with you. You and I disagree, obviously and that's okay. We don't have to agree on everything.

    6. What I love Deb is that we can agree to disagree sometimes and remain friends. If we all thought the same, the world would be a boring place..

  5. Damn, I like a blog argument and now you reconcile your differences!

    1. Having differences of opinions yet remaining friends through it all is a beautiful thing. I love a good argument or heated debate and seeing another persons perspective on it without getting our knickers in a

    2. Bow.....😂

      You know it's better this way. Joy has her thoughts, I have mine. Neither one of us hates the other.

      Besides, I'm never going to be the type to "fight" publicly.

      If I was angry, I can guarantee I would have gone to Joy privately

  6. Willing to agree to disagree and still be friends is what the world needs much more of these days.

  7. I wanted to come back to this post today because a thought occurred to me.

    I think one of the things that may have stuck in my "craw" so to speak was that you're relating this to jokes, the younger generations, and "speaking your mind".

    The fact is that "cancel culture" is a new word for an old phenomenon. We, as humans, have always ostracized those who we feel fall outside of what we find "normal".


    "Although it might seem like a recent phenomenon, cancel culture has been described as a modern form of ostracism - an Ancient Greek practice dating back over two thousand years that saw an individual sent into exile for a decade due to the results of a popular vote."

    Think about it, in the forties and fifties there were "Hollywood Black Lists" for people who they thought were communists.

    Cancel culture in the 1800s was brutal, far worse than the online bs of today. Respected Victorians spent much of their lives locked in weird battles with one another.

    Oscar Wilde often clashed with the Marquess of Queensberry, once publicly smearing him as a “foul thing” who “assailed” the world of academia.

    The idea that this is some new fangled thing is just not true. It's always been a part of human nature.

    1. I think what's different from the past practices is that it's heavily politicized in the States. Everything is linked to political ideals these days. What's even sadder is the lack of critical thinking and just believing everything people on "their side" is spouting.

    2. You and I have always been on the same page when it comes to lack of critical thinking and media literacy, JN. I, of course, am going to agree with you that too many people scratch the surface or just believe the first thing they read/hear.

      And, I will also agree that it has become heavily politicized. However, in the forties and fifties, it was WAY more about politics than it is today. There were Senate hearings during McCarthyism. Regular citizens lost their jobs and were dragged into Senate hearings even though they weren't guilty.

      Today's stuff seems more culture war bullshit being spouted by politicians then repeated by their followers. There's no hearings, people get up in arms for two weeks and move on to the next thing to be angry about.

      Like a couple of weeks ago, the fundies and Far right wing were pissed at Taylor Swift. She has offended them with her feminism. They call her a demon and have all kinds of conspiracy theories about her being a clone of the daughter of the founder of the church of Satan (Anton Lavey).

      Or, how about one from the other side, taking one of the comedians who got in trouble, Dave Chapelle, for his trans jokes. Has that man lost a job? Nope. I'd say he makes more money now.

      This is not the same, to me, as losing your job, family, and friends because the senate thinks you're a communist.

  8. Back in the forties and fifties, there were real journalists and news broadcasts (when they started) weren't sensationalized like today. Sure, moneyed and political interests were always behind the scenes and not everything went public. But it's not as bad as it is today. The 24 hour news cycles and short attention spans don't help either. Plus, people never stop to think why they're always so angry at everything. They're just angry, celebrate being angry, and look for the next thing to be angry at.

  9. I think, as with most things today, it gets talked about more because it’s shoved in our face more often through the twenty four hour news cycle.

    It’s like when people think the US is more dangerous today than in the past when the statistics say differently. It’s because we hear about more murders, etc.

    In the past, they’d read the paper and maybe watch the news for an hour if they were a real consumer of news. (I distinctly remember my father only watched local news and not national. He did read the paper, though)

    There was no way you were going to hear about murders in Idaho when you live in Michigan unless it was a celebrity or something sensational.

    The news cycle created this storm we are living in today and are profiting from it greatly.

    1. The powers that be always created a boogeyman for the population to fear, too. Nazis, Communists, drugs, Muslims, immigrants, trans, gays, critical thinking, whatever, all blown out of proportion as if it's some contagious disease that'll infect the entire population. Yet, when a disease does come along, they just let the population get culled.

  10. It's interesting that crime rates (generally and not for all crimes) are down in most Western countries yet the fear of crime arguably has increased.

    1. In my opinion, it has a lot to do with the constant consumption of news. And, there are more complex reasons as well. Our brains are more likely to hold on to negative information than positive.

      The fear response is another factor.

      As much as I and many others would like to believe there’s simple answers to human behavior, I’ve found that humans are far too complex for that. Our motivations are varied and come from different perspectives.

  11. The 24-hour reportage of news is definitely a factor.
    As well as fear, particular a fear of the future. The past is often seen as safe because we survived it.

    1. That's an excellent point. It's easier to remember the past fondly because we've already been through it. It's far more difficult to look forward with uncertainty.



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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