Tuesday, May 14, 2024


When first dating my man after we reconnected, he brought me a dozen long stem Red Roses. It was like our 4th date maybe and I had invited him over for dinner at my place.
( I am so glad I found this song as my Moms middle name was Rose, and Wayne Newton was one of her favourite singers bar none.) I Thanked him for the thoughtful gesture and put the roses in a vase. I had already planned after dinner to lay him down on my Bed,with or without Roses..
Flash forward a week and a half later, when he was over and asked me about the roses. Noticing I had no indoor flowers, nor plants of any kind in my apartment at all. It was at that time I told him that even though I loved the gesture and thoughtfulness of receiving bouquets of any flower, all they do is wilt and die in a matter of days with me when indoors, so I toss them. "Duly noted" was his response and said he would not "Bring Me Flowers Anymore."
It is now approx. almost a year later and we know so much more about both our likes and dislikes. Even though he knows mine for both indoor flower bouquets and plants is a no-no, it is a different story when it pertains to outdoors and especially on my back deck.. This is our first full summer together, especially on my new back deck. I took him shopping last weekend to a local Garden Center and bought potted Wave Petunias which do well with the amount of sun and rain always on my deck.. He asked me at that time, which outdoor flowers and plants I liked the most, now knowing indoor ones and bouquets of anything just never work for me.. I told him Sunflowers of any colour had always been my favourite.Not having the lawn nor space myself, Hibiscus, Petunias, Lilacs and Gerber Daisies were a close second. I did not mention Orchids, as we can not grow them here and having orchids as an indoor flower and plant just does not work although I adore them.. He obviously took note and on Mother's Day Sunday, he brought both myself and my oldest sister whom I live with,potted Hibiscus flowers, the exact same colours. I have so much more to say. Having just one lover, who cares about you, flowers, siblings you may live with like I do and goes out of their way, like mine did..


  1. I’m happy you found someone so good for you. I, too, am not a fan of cut flowers but give me something that will grow? I’m happy.

    1. You have such a green thumb and wish I had the room to grow them like you do..

  2. I love that he heard your feedback and remembered it.

    Sometimes there is a mismatch - my partner let me know at some point that he doesn't like to wear sweaters and so he didn't want me to go to the work of knitting one for him. I wouldn't have started one without consulting with him about color and size, but I did appreciate his honesty!

  3. Too bad your man does not wear sweaters as yours all look amazing..

  4. Your partner clearly listens. That's a good trait.
    I prefer my flowers growing in a garden than cut in a vase.

  5. He is a Keeper for sure. Seems we are on the same page when it comes to flower power..:)

  6. Awww! He sounds so sweet!

    When I get flowers, I dry them and put them in a jar. Sometimes I'll dry roses blooming outside.

    I bought a lilac bush a couple of years ago and this year is the first time I saw it blooming. These lilacs look mighty different from the ones I grew up with in Michigan.

    1. Do your lilacs smell like those you grew up with? Ours here are always purple.How are they different where you live now?

    2. My lilacs are white, hardly have any scent, and flowers are tiny. It wasn't what I expected.

    3. Nor would I have either. It is the scent of lilacs I love the most..



As most of you here know by now,my vacation has been extended by another week due to the strike between West Jet and the mechanics. Even tho...

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